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Kaifu's chips ESP version
Kaifu's chips ESP version
Kaifu's chips ESP version
Kaifu's chips ESP version
Kaifu's chips ESP version
Kaifu's chips ESP version
Kaifu's chips ESP version
Kaifu's chips ESP version
Kaifu's chips ESP version

Kaifu's chips ESP version

$39.95 USD $0.00 USD
Осталось 7 наличность
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$39.95 USDкаждый
Складское наличие: 7

This is new version of the ESP kaifu’s chips,makes the whole trick more mysterious.

A magician shows six chips with different colors print on their faces, and another one special chip with a question mark printed on its back. Magician tells the audience that this special chip is a prediction so that its face color is not revealed right now. 

A magician asks the audience to turn over the six chips so that the color is covered, and then let the audience to mix them up. After that, the audience is requested to randomly select one chip from the six chips. 

Then a magician will put the prediction chip on the selected chip, and tell the audience that these two chips have same color on their face. 

A magician firstly turns over the rest of un-selected chips to check which color is missing. Finally, magician reveals both of the selected and the prediction chips: they have same color as magician said! 

With the rest of the five chips with different colors, magician will take out one more question mark chip to perform this prediction trick again. 

The result is correct again!